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This is Zip, Rar, DMG, StuffIt, 7zip and other popular formats, tool handles Archive


This "Zip, Rar, DMG, StuffIt, 7zip and other popular formats arms" Archive tool
dovnload.co.uk Editor: IArchiver to work with one-person libraries should be a tool: a
- Simple and fast re-identified. Extracting archives never simple and fast: be faster to extract its iArchiver you drag the icon onto the dock archives.
- Popular support. iArchiver RAR, StuffIt, DMG, ZIP and other file formats, including 7zip to a wide range of opens.
- Secure and small. IArchiver, users 7zip, popular formats such as ZIP and gzip archive and backup their files. Built-in support for archive password may be iArchiver is protected by encryption.
- Sharing the archives easier. How everyone StuffIt, to open archive formats like RAR or knows. easy and painless to industry archives iArchiver to a share of the standard ZIP format, you can convert it.

Features in a Nutshell:
, Zip * create 7zip (.7 z), DMG, TAR, GZIP, BZIP2, Z and CPIO files
* Extract Rar, 7zip (.7 z), Zip, DMG, StuffIt (.), BinHex (. Hqx), MacBinary (. Bin), sit TAR, GZIP, BZIP2, Z, CPIO, ARJ, RPM, Pax, LHA (. LHA,. LZH), ADF, Cabinet (. cab), ARJ and ACE files
ZIP or from StuffIt to 7zip * Convert RAR archive formats, for example between above
* Quick drag and drop over the dock and Finder toolbar extract
* Encrypt and password for the Mail and 7zip archives
* Mac OS X to extract to mimic on-site behavior of
* Option to ignore built for Mac-specific files for added compatibility download now for Windows and Linux users with iArchiver 1.3.5 free sharing of archives.

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